The Ninth Day
the first secret of Abraham was : God created all of the universe in Six days and rested on the seven day . after the seven day there were no trees or bushes yet and no men to work the land .
Steam came up from the ground and watered all of the land and made a men from the dust. This means that gad created human after day seventh meaning day eight; a day which God commend to do a circumcision to all of his creations .
This is the secret of Abraham the day of the creation is day eight and after there is day ninth – that is nine month of pregnancy and so on…
The Second secret of Abraham
God told Abraham : Your sperm will be an alien at a country that is not his ; and they will be tortured for 400 years .but then they will be saved .
God told Abraham what will happen in the future – this means that our life is a book that all ready had been written and God knows what the end and which path will pass during our life .
My offer is to pray to God to give us a good part at the Book of life .
The size of God
In the beginning God created the sky and the land meaning the universe has an age .
God crated the infinity from nothing . the only thing that was existing is God so
What is infinity that lives at nothing?
God is an endless soul with Endless power like our limited soul. A hint for a life form that do not live in a space is the Dream.
As it written in the bible " in his image he created human – meaning God within a body.
God had locked our soul in a body so we will have physiological meaning .
We are a soul that is locked in a body .
The Name Jehovah
Jehovah is divided to two.
Jeho – inhaling ( God blow in men the air of life ; which mad him come to life )
Vha- is the exhaling of death – when a person dies hid exhale for the last time .
A sneeze is Gods name – so every time we sneeze we should bless God .
Egg or chicken
GOD created all the universe in six days and rest on seventh day.
We will talk now about the trees and the living .
What came first the chicken or the egg the seed or the tree?
The sun was created on the forth day which with out it we do not have life so that means
That god first created the seed and then the three grown .
Vikra : "and man which will take his sister from his father or from his mom etc".... Dvarim .cz.cb. Cursed the man that been with his sister etc.... "
Who are you my sister??? Ovadia, DON Yhia Odomihm calculated on this.
Everything by the hands of sky also godliness For what is this simila? The unbelievers ask : Did GOD created something in the universe that he can not deal with .like a big stone that he can not pick up ?
The answer is yes but in the same time he cancel this and so returns until infinity.
So this is why belevires say it is all by the hands of god .
I wish you to have a good role in Gods plan …
. Holiday of redemption is happy.
Mezuzah what is it?
The word mezuzah is written twice in the bible of names Ca verse were her deliverances Nz verse h) Hgimtria Mzozh=adni 65=11=2 there is not the intention to the mezuzah that we recognize nowadays that/because will be
prepared aloe-woods
Sukkoth were Abotno recipients Tortno the holiness is these when what yes she something that moves ליתפ= ( something ignites ) sky blue that there were tie in the doorstep read Mzozh=ptil sky blue.
Lace sky blue
Is reminded 5 times in the bible of names Co verse Ct names of force of verse Lz names of charm of verse Ca names of charm of verse is not in the desert i) him humid verse of pleasant instruction
Adm=a=god (at Hebrew) + blood (at Hebrew)
The first person was born from nothing by god so he created a person that is man and woman like fish . this being ate grass and had no skin and had a tail at the seventh day god destroyed it and created a man and from his rib created a women they were still with no skin . the ate from the forbidden tree and were expelled from haven. And them god had to pot skin on them because of the sun out side .
Today we can create this being from our DNA but he could not live at the same world
as ours
Saver who he is?
Many claimants to the crown : Jesus- Lobbits -Odomihm.
In my opinion as written there are two from one saviors : Messiah ben Joseph one Messiah Ben David in my opinion .
Jesus was a Messiah ben Joseph was Jewish and dead Jewish .
it's possible to the checked this by testing of d.n.a of Joseph and of Jesus two of their graves are in our countries.
As regards Messiah is a cousin it's possible to the checked the d.n.a of David the king ( grave David ) if the d.n.a of all the claimants to besiege including the rabbi Mlobbits simple not??? And then we will know all of us of alphabets Hlomo of the Rabbi/great Ovadia in June 2001 right or not? Successfully
Rabbis from were?
Rabbis are invention of 11 the tribes. .... they are investigating the bible ; but they are not correct with their roles – we do not need to pot something on our head in order to be believers and we do not need so many roles that shades on the beauty of the bible .
What is a gay person?
As mentioned we will create the person is bisexual ( male and female created them ) until the eighth day . God thought that man should not live alone so he created a woman from the rib.
There for there are some men and women that have the genetic memory of the person that we were at the
beginning of the universe. so they prefer the same sex as they are

There are several signs that raise questions here is a few of them :
1.Why this week 7 days in each the world including Indians Chinese Japanese etc.... Why not 8 why not 10 Why all of them go according to the bible?
2. Jesus. Birthday 24.12 Chrisms day .
Why does Christians people do not do circumcision like Jesus did ?
. 3. India=holy cow =sign red between the eyes jews holy cow= red cow ( and there were to the frontlets between your eyes Oco. ) search by yourself for more examples in each religions of the world all of them from our beautiful bible
Good week

What is a pig ?
Pig is the most protected animal by God .
He commends us not to eat it or kill it.
Because people kills pig God brought upon us the pigs flu .
Feel good .
Medicine to the pig's flu.
The cure to this flu is only by redemption you must do everything that you can to
Make things right
Good health
Other gods
Abram is reminded 51 one times in the book in the genesis book.
Abraham is reminded 163 in the bible
Abraham is known among other things as the person that busted other sculpture
He was the first that believed in one god
At mount Sanay on the Tables of the Covenant, is written don't work other God.
The other gods were made in the past ; from gold so today the other gods is Money
And people that have a lot of it are not believers ' because you can not work other gods even if it's money.
Money will come to you if you need it from God .
End of Days (the end of Day 8)
at that day there will only one god
his name is infinity
Zachary T. Hand
I am sending angels, etc. ....
Malachi C. pitcher
And at that time Michael will stand etc...
Daniel Ib A.
Pleasant Rest
Temple = the chosen House .
Book of Ezekiel
Interesting book
A good week ...
Minus infinity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(rebirth) plus infinity === god
Symbols (continued)
Muslims = Masabcha = variation of blue thread
Christians - Jews = dome = variation of blue thread
Jews - such variation tefillin = blue thread
Look and you will find more signs .....
I dreamed a dream
At the after life man will become a Beautiful bird – phoenix bird.
I dreamed a dream One man after eating large oil vomit the soul
There are very careful
you are warned .
Impact of the Swine Flu on the world
Pigs flu will hit its full power All over the world .
But it will hit us – the Jews mostly.
Because we are not building the temple that we should .
we can start building But we are a stubborn nation .
What did not come through common sense comes through suffering directly
what the word two symbol at the bible? it is Written" two Sarah's life "and
Two life times means that the year of sleeping and the year we are a wake
we have two life cycles .
Half alertness and a half dreaming
So Sarah actually gave birth to Yitzchak our father at age 45 and it could also happen today
So as the two life = life = two cycles of wakefulness and dream
Us two lifetimes
Freuid = Bullshit
De Carat = true = I think therefore I am
As I wrote at the book we are really a walking thought that lives in said of feelings and physical boundaries
I wish all of you long life
Malachi Chapter three
"I send you Malachi and he had open you a path to me …..
… I send you Aliya the prophet before god's day is coming .
return all your love to tour family before I (god) will come and destroy all being ."
a terrible day its about to come we have to return to our family – sans will return to their fathers and fathers to sons in order to bring peace in to the world .
infinity minus infinity equals infinity
God has no start and no end and this is how the universe is
Holly Holly Holly Viva to Matador
Everything that happens now forever like a scene of a battle between the bull corrida Matador person against Toro .
the matador (God) consulted his swords in his Toro (us).
God consulted his mercy swords in us that is the pigs flu
We can be rescued – we just have to listen to god.
Pied Piper of Hamlin
As referent
At the city of Hamlin there was a plague of rats . the people of Hamlin had tried to solve this problem but could not . the despair and Luke of hoop were every where until a mysteries pied piper arrived to the city and announced that he will take car of the problem . no one believed him but he insisted that he can .
After he said again and again that he can solve the problem they finely believed him ; and he lured all the rats to the river were they drowned .
All the people were so happy . the pied piper asked them for payment for what he did ; but they were villains and did not wish to pay . so one night he plaid a tune
that made all of their children walk after him ; and this way he took all of Hamlin's
Children's for good .
What can we learn from this story?
The fiddler is equal to God
The people are equal to us
The rats is the pigs flu
The moony he asked for his job = the Temple
The kids= our kids
We can change the ending of the story if we build the temple
What is the cold virus???
like his twin brother the cold is the dead angel like our crater .
You can not kill him if you will try then he will just grow and spread even more
You can not manufacture a vaccine like you can not make one for a cold
We you try to take it out from it's body it becomes two .
It will infect whom it chooses to.
Every various has an addresses nothing is random
Each victim has a massage to us .
All the massages are true
God is with us all day during all of our life he is every were .
God is the creator of life and death we need to worship him ;
And this way we will not get sick; gods work will be our vaccine
So if you do not want to be sick worship god .
Shabbat shalom
David and Goliath
David the little (us) killed Goliath (all enemies) with a small stone (atom)
Therefore, you mast watch from Little David
Pigs flu vaccine
Unfortunately, there will be no vaccine .
all the world will be infected with this flu .
the quotation is who will live and who will die .
this is a quotation that only God knows the answer for it .
so we mast ask him to Passover us like he did in Egypt.
But now there is a small difference between then and today
At that time we did not receive the Tora .
But today that we have we should act according to it and then we wont get ill .
The all world will be infected but the Jewish people will be the most infected
Because we have to set an example for God's work – we are the chosen people
So we must worship him .
I call every one to start believe and start working god according to the Tora .
If you will work God according to the Tora nothing bad will happen to you .
Good will bless you .
Why we should follow the Tora?
The Islam and Christianity believe that God evolved during the past 3000 years
But this can not be God is an endless entity and we can not understand half of it
He is more advances then what we are and he did not evolved during the past
3000 years thro human like Jehovah or Mohammad.
This is why only the Tora is the correct bible – God could not be evolved because he is the one that create.
Solution to the abduction of soldiers
we need to kidnap enemy soldiers according to their demands- if they want us to release 300 captives we should kidnap 300 soldiers.
we can use our special military forces for this action .
It's a tooth for a tooth An eye for an eye
It's very effective
1. It will return the kidnapped soldiers home right away
2. Do not ask terrorists to release bad blood on their hands and others
3. It will alert from future abductions
More on how to stop firing Qassam missiles or enemy missile from any source
in the boomerang effect forum on this site .
Promised Land and faith in God
Anyone who believes in the Promised Land
Believes in god
Anyone who does not believe in the Promised Land and there are many Unfortunately .
This means they Do not believe in God
if you believe in God you must believe in the promise land that god gave us .
God did not promise a land to the Americans they came to America and conquer the land from the Indians they did not have mercy on them so how can they tell
The Jewish people how to act in it's promise land?
This goes to all the nations that does not approve us .
Studying at the pig's flu era
It is clear that people will get sick at schools and academic institutions
So people will sue them for getting infected so I say stay at home and learn the
Tora .
When I began writing this book:
Beginning of this book is mostly in 1985
then there was no Internet .
During July 2001 to October 2001 i published most of the book at an Israeli web site named Menta .
but my idea was not acceptable by the manger of the web site and they cut me from this web site – today I have my own web site and people can choose choose whether they want to read in it or not
Our Dark-skinned brothers
They are the offspring of Moshe our Big teacher.
he married a dark- skinned Women and had children with her
Even then there were racist people – Moshe sister Miriam and his Brother Aaron did not want them but Moshe who was our Great teacher teach us to love every one this way all people white and black are welcome at this land.
Please see Bamidbar - the fourth book of the bible chapter 9 the story of Moshe and Miriam and Aaron.
The Residents of the Promised Land
As I have previously written to us, the Promised Land is indeed promised because we believe in the one who Promised, meaning we believe in GOD ,ALLA,THE FATHER OF JESUS and any other Gods, all these are one=GOD.
Anyone who claims differently doesn't believe in any God at all.
There is no other way for you "left", "right", religious, secular, Jewish, Muslims, Christians etc.
He is the one and only, he is infinity, he promised the Jewish people the Promised Land as written in the written and well defined borders – not an inch more and not an inch less.
Note, God didn’t promise us Mount Sinai that is beyond the Red Sea that was split into two, the image of the mountain is as the image of the alliance (Brit) of the descendants of Abraham.
The residents with a resident's certificate are only Jewish all the rest of the foreigners: i.e Palestinians and workers from foreign countries should be given a foreigner certificate.
We should treat the foreigners with respect such as the Mitzvha which is to treat an orphan and a widow with respect.
Shabbat Shalom and restful to you all…
Yedi'ot Achronot Daily Journal, Tuesday October 27 1964
"Israel is close to build a nuclear bomb"
Israel is one of four countries that are the closest to building a nuclear bomb, this was told by the French journal "L'express" , the journal has written that the next country to join USA, China, England , France and the S.U is either Israel, Sweden, India or Canada.
You all already know that the Jewish brain has nuclear bombs from along time ago , poor Va'anunu didn’t read this newspaper back then…
This is why all our enemies should be aware of little but dangerous David
World Atom
At the end of the day , who ever wants to get Atom will get it , it is only a matter of time, like dynamite back then.
But unlike dynamite , Atom can cause the end of the world,
Iran and North Korea only help to raise this issue to the surface , Iran and north Korea can be discharged from their Atom , the problem is that this issue will keep rising in the next generations, this will be our children's and grandchildren's problem and the problem will only get bigger, we need to see this problem as if every country in the world has Atom and we need to solve this problem NOW.
Good luck mighty commanders of the world
The Magical Mirrors
Minus infinity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (re-birth) Plus Infinity = GOD=1
Take two medium- large mirrors and face them across one another while you stand in the middle, you see infinity and you feel it , this is the feeling of GOD , he is infinity, this means everything is possible, if you think about it , everything is possible.
If for example we speak about the "afterlife" it is possible that you'll live in the next life as the king of the world or you might live as a fly in a world of Obama's (fly killers…) and so on and so on , when infinity exists and you know that there is a creator- a God who is infinity- everything is possible, that is why, because this is beyond our grasp you should live your life in the best way for you, what is the best way? It's the way God , creator of infinity gave us
–the Bilble.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all,
Jesus was Jewish his entire life and he also died as a Jew,
While Jesus was alive , Jerusalem had the temple where the “Cohanim “ used to serve
The “Cohanim “had a very big income of cash which led to corruption between the Cohanim at the Temple in Jerusalem and all over the land of Israel.
Jesus , who was a good Jew that the spirit of God rested on him started to show the people’s and the Cohanim’s immoral and wrong behavior ,
just like it happens today ,
The Cohanim new Jesus was right but they preferred to be a slave of the Golden Calf (money )and they were blinded by it and so they went to the Romans and spoke badly on Jesus, the Romans who were evil conquers had executed him in great misery.
I want to repeat- Jesus lived and died as a Jewish man , he never thought or planned on inventing a new religion, Christians are God’s private revenge of the Jews through Jesus , but God is not an evolutional , he chose the Jews and the Jews only- to worship hi, and to be the only people , that is why throughout history he has been punishing the Jewish people , always because of the same reason - the sin of the Golden Calf and various shapes…
It happened on Mount Sinai
It happened when the Temples were destroyed and we were deported from the promise land
It happened in the Holocaust
It is happening today, we are all sinning the Golden Calf sin these days when most people are slaves to the other God- Money , the God of fund and wealth , especially in America
If don’t go back to worshiping our God we will be lost …
But I want to repeat- Jesus lived and died as a Jewish man; he never thought or planned on inventing a new religion, the Cohanim are those who created it, the new religion.
Jesus birth date= Christmas =25.12.0000
Jesus Brit (circumcise) date – Jesus was circumcised just like all of us Jews and he had a treaty with God , it’s written that the Brit should be performed on the eight (8) day only , Jesus was circumcised 01.01.0000-New Years Day
To you Christians we want to say – you are a part of the Jewish people ,part of the 10 lost tribes , return to Judaism , our bible is your bible but keep one rule- circumcise you and your sons on the 8 day